Number of laboratories - 2Back
- Pharmacognosy Lab I
- Pharmacognosy Lab II

Two laboratories of Pharmacognosy are well positioned for the proper entry of light which is the essential requirement for the microscopical slides to be observed. The labs are well equipped and suitable for various Pharmacognostical studies which the students are undertaking. They provide facilities for the students to acquire skills in learning morphological and microscopical characters of natural drugs using, Compound Microscope, Dissection Microscope & Projection Microscope.
Students are trained in the various stages of natural drug research like different types of extraction, separation of groups of compounds, purification and identification of individual compounds and the recharacterization. Sophisticated instrument are used for the Chromatographic and standard Spectroscopic techniques.
The major research interest of the department has been in the area of traditional Health care system, with a view of utilization of traditional and folklore remedies into the provision of primary health care. Standardization of herbal drugs which is the major task in the present scenario is also carried out by the students in this department as their project work for the qualitative & quantitative evaluation of Phytomedicine.
Further research interest is in the Biotechnological preparation of plant tissue culture of medicinal plants. Students are provided with various tools like ,crude drugs, charts, slides, Photographs etc. to assist them in their learning process